How I Got Accidentally Auditioned (and Was Chosen) To Be On Lifetime’s “This Time Next Year” Which Aired on February 27th, 2018

It’s not often I have to choose between two different TV shows to be featured on, but that was definitely the case back in October 2016.

I had just become one of the Top 40 finalists to co-host with Kelly Ripa, as she was holding a contest for non-famous people like me to help her out for a week. (That was before she ended up choosing Ryan Seacrest, of course.)

While that was an exciting week for me, as I also happened to be in San Diego for my brother-in-law’s wedding, I was in the midst of a potential ultimatum in choosing whether I would be on Live with Kelly, for a week, or, be featured on this show no one had ever heard of here in America: This Time Next Year.

The dilemma was that both TV shows had a part in their contract that disqualified me from being in the other: Live with Kelly would not allow me to be affiliated with any other show with ABC, or one of its affiliate networks, which Lifetime actually is. At the same, Lifetime’s contract for This Time Next Year said I couldn’t appear in another TV show during the next year.

So for a whole week, while I was on vacation in California, I had to make a decision:

To gamble, and continue to be considered as a temporary co-host for Kelly Ripa, or throw that shot away by choosing to be on the Lifetime show.

But at the last minute, the decision was made for me: I had not advanced past the Top 40 into the Top 20 for Live with Kelly. Therefore, I officially ended up signing the contract for This Time Next Year on The Lifetime Network.

Whereas I did intentionally audition online for Live with Kelly, that was not at all the case with Lifetime’s This Time Next Year.

Instead, back in June 2016, I had lazily thrown together this blog post and video after my sister had sent me a picture of a package of Campbell’s Go Soup, asking if that was me on there.

What’s funny is, the blog post went unnoticed by most of the world. But three days later, a talent scout working for the producer of This Time Next Year reached out to me through email, Twitter, and Facebook.

Whereas most people deliberately auditioned for a spot on This Time Next Year, I stumbled into it by publishing a blog post that no one read except for the one person who really needed to; and that was the person whose job it was to find some more light-hearted stories for This Time Next Year.

The timing was perfect. I had just published that story when a talent scout just happened to be Googling “finding my doppelganger. And that’s how I became the comic relief for Episode 6, Season 1 of This Time Next Year.

The moral of the story: It pays to have a blog and YouTube channel.

Coming up in March, Toyota is flying me out to Florida for a all expenses paid “dad vacation”, as I will be test driving cars in between going to Major League baseball games. Why?

Because I have a blog that people read. People who don’t know I exist can easily accidently find my website, when they are looking for the most random things.

Stay tuned, as I have many more fun, behind-the-scenes stories about being on This Time Next Year; in which my episode aired on February 27th, 2018.

Watch Me on TV! Tuesday, February 27th on The Lifetime Network on the Show, This Time Next Year, Episode 6: “Dudes from Different Latitudes”

It’s now officially showing up on The Lifetime Network’s TV schedule on their website: My episode, “Dudes from Different Latitudes” is premiering in just a few days, on Tuesday February 27th: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central.

In case you don’t know, a year of my life was documented for this reality TV show, in which my journey was to find and meet my doppelganger; who can promptly be seen on the package of Campbell’s Go Southwest Style Chicken soup.

Are you as excited as I am?! I have been secretly involved with this going back to June 2016. Now finally, I get to see my own episode, and share it with all of you.

Please do not think it was as easy as calling the phone number on the back of the package! No way…

Why would Campbell’s be totally cool with some random crazy guy from the Internet asking for the name and contact info of a model who posed for their product?

Let me assure you… my journey was way more challenging than that.

So please, mark your calendar and plan your night around this. I have so much more to say about my experience, but am forbidden to, until the show airs. I can’t wait for you to see the show, and then hear the behind-the-scenes details that I will have for you afterwards.

I was especially excited to see that, technically, they named the episode thanks to one of my ideas. While there are other people whose stories are featured alongside mine in Episode 6, the title was something I specifically coined.

After you watch, then you’ll understand what I mean; and why I have a beard and I’m wearing this really cool t-shirt with a bear on it.

Tuesday February 27th, 2018: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central

This Time Next Year, Episode 6, “Dudes from Different Latitudes”

The Lifetime Network

My TV Debut on Lifetime’s “This Time Next Year” Has Been Delayed Due to The Olympics: Forget February 20th, Awaiting New Air Date…

In case you’re planning on watching me attempt to find my doppelganger on that Campbell’s Go soup package on the new Lifetime show, “This Time Next Year”, please note that the network has changed the date of my episode:

It will no longer be airing on February 20th, as The Olympics would serve as direct competition to viewership. Therefore, I am currently waiting to hear from The Lifetime Network on when the official new air date will be. Stay tuned to my blog, as you can imagine I will immediately advertise the new date of Episode 6 of “This Time Next Year”.

I predict the soonest that the new air date would be is March 7th. I know for a fact that my episode has not been delayed by only one week, as Lifetime’s schedule online shows that Married at First Sight will be airing February 27th, which is the week after the date my episode was supposed to air originally.

My episode is the season finale of Season 1 of “This Time Next Year”. So while mine is the last to air, I am grateful Lifetime made the executive decision to change the original air date to make sure it doesn’t get overshadowed by the Olympics.

I am so excited to be able to share my experience with everyone in America. Just imagine what it would be like if you had one year to find and meet your doppelganger. Imagine what it would take and what it would be like if you actually accomplished your mission.

And of course, the whole journey is documented over the course of that year.

If nothing else, hey, I got to meet celebrity host Cat Deely!

I suppose once I see the official description of my episode of Lifetime’s website, the new air date will be confirmed. You better believe l will share it here on my blog.

Just a few more weeks…

Our Family was Approached by The Lifetime Network to Be on a TV Show

Our Family was Approached by The Lifetime Network to Be on a TV Show

No, this isn’t a rerun story.

You may be remembering how back in August our family was approached by a casting director to be on a TV show on NBC, called The Family Project; which sounds like a modified version of ABC’s Wife Swap.

Now, in a completely different story, it is also true that our family was approached last week by a casting director to be on a different upcoming TV show to be filmed in Nashville; this one will be called The Parenting Project, on the Lifetime Network, which is actually affiliated with Disney.

From what I can tell, The Parenting Project is also another variation of Wife Swap.

After reaching out to me on my Twitter account, the casting director and executive productive had a Skype meeting with my wife and me.

They really liked the fact we are a vegan/vegetarian family; no other family they were considered fit that rare demographic.

Ultimately, they were looking for a family with an older child.

And really, we’re not eager as a family to broadcast ourselves on reality TV. Granted, one of my life goals is to pay off our house early, so I’m always willing to consider a pitch if the money is there…

I always feel it is an honor to be approached for something like this. It indicates that I am doing something right here on my blog; Family Friendly Daddy Blog.

Because they found me. I didn’t go looking for them.

If nothing else, I can always appreciate that I’ve made new contacts in the entertainment industry thanks to these two recent pitches from major networks.

Of course, I’ve been making it no secret that I am deliberately attempting to get my own network series for my children’s show, Uncle Nick’s Enchanted Forest.

I believe the world is ready for the newest version of Mister Roger’s Neighborhood.

And I’m it.

That’s why I’m so diligent to keep writing, filming, producing, and publishing new webisodes of all original material.

I believe Uncle Nick’s Enchanted Forest demonstrates my talents and abilities as an actor, writer, musician, and adventurist and is able to captivate the attention and inspire the imaginations of children.

If you haven’t seen Uncle Nick’s Enchanted Forest yet, here’s your opportunity.

One day, my show will take off.

Until then, I will keep building my online resume, which is this blog, and perhaps more importantly, my YouTube channel.

So Maybe I’m Allergic to Peanut Butter… in Large, Consistant Amounts

But not allergic to peanuts themselves.  Noted, I’m no doctor.

One of the darkest places in life for me is when I am throwing up- which only happens a few times each decade.  It’s that feeling of inescapable depression, like being a notches away from a sickly death- a hellish gravity so overwhelming that I tend to wonder if I will wake up as a ghost like Bruce Willis and not realize I’ve been dead the entire movie.  Usually I try to keep things a bit classier when I write, but in this case there is really no way around the fact that over the weekend I spent the hours from midnight until 4:30 AM constantly vomiting, only interrupted with sporadic periods of rest on the bathroom rug.  I understand that some people have never gotten food poisoning.  As for myself, I can easily think of my three worst occasions: The Central Park drive-thru in 1990, the shady Chinese buffet restaurant in 2007 (back when I still ate pork and shellfish), and the apple & peanut butter incident of 2010.

I don’t know; maybe getting food poisoning every couple of years is like getting stuck by lightening more than once in a lifetime.  Or maybe my digestive track is just ultra-sensitive to any food that is slightly less than proper and sanity.  But what I do know is that I am unable to digest slightly massive amounts of anything- even if it hasn’t been setting out in a Chinese buffet for three hours unattended. What clued me into my possible allergy to large, consistent amounts of peanut butter was my Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup overdose of 2003, when I consumed 36 of them in less than 24 hours: I had just came back from spending a summer in Thailand where both peanut butter and rich, American chocolate are rare finds.  I experienced a major depression for the following two days along with a mild rash on my left wrist for the next six months.

Last week my choice snack every day was an apple with three tablespoons of peanut butter. So good- and seemingly healthy.  But I guess by Day 6 of this treat, which I made my lazy dinner Friday night, was just enough peanut butter in a week’s amount of digestion to throw my digestive track into shock.  Because this was the first time that after I puked up all my food from that evening, I puked up a thick yellow substance, then a thick green substance, then blood- and that pattern repeated a few times before I finally fell asleep until late morning. Eventually though, every single trace of peanut butter was erased from my body. Now, a few days later, I was able to eat my first meal with meat (tilapia, okra, and salad), though my voice is raspy from all the ralphing and my ribs hurt any time I cough or sneeze.

To my understanding and according to my self-diagnosis, I have survived yet another case of food poisoning- and surprisingly this time it didn’t involve a restaurant, but instead a good snack.  I’ve eaten a lot of peanuts in a week’s time and never had anything like this happen.  There must be something about the simple process of smashing the peanuts to turn them into butter than makes them slightly toxic to me.  Sure, I didn’t experience any of the typical symptoms of peanut butter allergies like swelling, but I just think it that peanut butter is smart enough of a food to hurt people in its own sneaky ways.

Lesson learned: From now on I’ll go light on the PB.