Dear Holly: I Thought You Were a Teddy Bear

8 years old.

Dear Holly,

It was a morning like every other. I had just got back from the gym and was headed to the closet in my bedroom to change clothes.

You typically are there in my bed when I get home in the mornings, as you are usually watching some silly kid’s show on your tablet.

But on this morning, as I got closer to the bed, my initial perspective was that were you smiling at me while all bundled up underneath the covers, instead.

It took me a couple of seconds, but I finally realized:

“Oh, Holly’s playing a trick on me. That’s her teddy bear.”

Conclusion: You smile just like your teddy bear.



Dear Jack: One More Month to Spend Time with Your Current Friends

13 years, 5 months.

Dear Jack,

Our house here in Tennessee officially goes on the market this coming Monday.

With your 7th grade school year coming to a close in about a month, these are the final weeks of you seeing and hanging out with your current group of friends everyday.

Often after school, you go to hang out with them; playing basketball or football in our neighborhood or one of the surrounding ones.

I’m not sure that you’ve really processed this yet, but even though you’ll still have their cell phone numbers and will be able to keep in touch with them after we move, you are facing a turning point in your life where you will be leaving them behind and making new friends.

So when I see this picture of you and your friends right now, this is what I think about.




Dear Jack: You and Your Sister Babysat Each Other?

13 years, 4 months.

Dear Jack,

In the more than 13 years of you being alive, and the nearly 8 years for your sister, I can only think of two times we ever hired a babysitter.

And both times, it was a pre-school teacher who we already knew very well.

Other than that, anytime Mommy and I have needed to get out and go somewhere by ourselves, we would just base it off of Nonna and Papa coming up for the weekend from Alabama.

But last weekend, we decided to go out to dinner with some friends and leave you and your sister at home to babysit… each other?

Or yourselves?

I’m not sure how that worked out, since we got home to learn that the two of you went to your own bedrooms the entire time we were gone and never even talked to each other.

However, you negotiated us paying you $6 so you could buy an upgrade for one of your games you play on your phone. To be fair, your sister also got the same pay.

Everyone got what they wanted out of the deal.

The irony: We are just a couple of months now from moving to Alabama, where we will always have instant and constant access to family members who can watch you anytime we need.



Dear Holly: The Cake Decorating Class You Attended

7 years, 10 months.

Dear Holly,

Last week during your Spring Break in Alabama, you got to be part of a Simply Sweet cake decorating class with your cousins.

It was a wonderful glimpse of what life will be like for you when we move to Alabama in a couple of months.

I loved being there to witness you not only learning how to decorate a cake, but also, learning about manners and etiquette; which I personally hold in high regards.

Something else I appreciated about the class is that you were required to introduce yourself to everyone and describe what things you are currently interested in; as you illustrated your name badge accordingly.

It was so sweet, and hilarious, that you chose to feature SpongeBob SquarePants.

Of course, once the two hour class was over, you certainly didn’t go home empty handed.

We were able to enjoy a delicious cake that you decorated!




Saturday Date Night: Filing Income Tax Returns and a Fancy Dinner

It has been our tradition for many years now that when it’s time for my wife and I to file our income tax returns at H&R Block, we invite my parents up for the weekend to watch the kids.

Our reward for getting through “math for adults”, as our daughter calls it, is we head over to Marshall’s to “see if there might be anything we might want”. Spoiler alert: We always find some things we want at Marshall’s.

And when I say “we”, I mainly main “I”. When it comes to bargain-buying new clothes, nice shoes, and fancy soaps, I’m pretty much the worst.

From there, we drive about 25 minutes, right outside of the “exciting night life” of Nashville, and instead, we enjoy a nice, quiet early dinner at a restaurant without kids.

This past weekend, we tried a place for the first time called Coal Town Public House. Whereas most men in this situation would probably order an expensive steak and a strong cocktail, I stuck with my night-on-the-town go-to of shrimp and grits, then opted for a non-alcoholic craft beer that instantly became my new favorite brewery, Athletic Brewing Company.

Because honestly, that is what I truly enjoy more than the real stuff at this point in my life.

Of course, with our upcoming move to Alabama this May, I realized this would make the last time we would do our “income tax/Saturday night dinner” tradition here in Tennessee.

Once we move, we will live 0.2 miles from my sister. It is an unspoken understanding that our kids, who happen to be the same ages, will be “house swapping” on a regular basis: No need for someone to watch the kids… the kids simply head down the street to their cousin’s house and vice versa.

With that being said, I am confident that my wife and I will continue our tradition once we move to Fort Payne.

So yes, this is my life. I am happy. There’s nothing like a kids-free early dinner after doing taxes, shopping at Marshall’s, and then enjoying shrimp and grits with non-alcoholic beer.

This is 42.