Dear Holly: You’re Still Playing With Your Roblox Toys From Christmas

5 years, 9 months.

Dear Holly,

Near two months after Christmas, it’s interesting to see which toys are still getting the most play time on a weekly prize. I would have to give that prize to your Roblox toys.

If it weren’t for your brother, I’m confident that Roblox toys would never have been on your wish list.

In fact, now that I think of it, I hardly see him play with his Roblox.

Yet, conveniently for you, he lets you drive your Roblox characters around in his Roblox cars.

It’s basically part of your morning routine now, as well as your weekend afternoon activity.

You drive your Roblox characters around on the carpet- as you are in a world of your own!



Dear Holly: Did You Secretly Adopt Baby Yoda from Your Brother?

4 years, 7 months.

Dear Holly,

Your brother has started spending through some of his gift cards he got for his birthday. One of the things he bought was a Baby Yoda stuffed animal.

At the same time, we just got new floors in the downstairs to replace the carpet and we sold our furniture to make room for new furniture, to go with our new floor.

So you and your brother have been playing with your toys on top of quilts and blankets.

You had your brother bring down your doll bed. However, I don’t recall seeing any of your dolls in the bed: Only Baby Yoda!

I’m pretty sure you’ve spent more time taking care of Baby Yoda than your brother has; as if you adopted Baby Yoda from him!



Dear Jack: We Now Have a Shooting Range in Our Living Room

9 years, 2 months.

Dear Jack,

Ever since your birthday, which was exactly 2 months ago, your Nerf gun collection has been growing. You now have 3 rifles, one crossbow, and one bow-and-arrow set.

In other words, there are plenty of darts to be shot in our house.

Thanks to the free cardboard blocks to that donated to us this week, we now officially have a shooting range in our living room.

Honestly, I have to say- it doesn’t bother me at all. I would much rather you shoot your weapons on a disposable yet sturdy target, as opposed to your sister.



Dear Holly: The Hamster Didn’t Get the Toy Blocks After All

3 years, 8 months.

Dear Holly,

Last week, my coworker Lori was able to get some free cardboard blocks from her community’s “buy, sell, trade” Facebook page. The simple concept was that these blocks would be perfect for our family’s pet hamster.

He loves to chew cardboard and make beds out of small boxes. So it was a perfect idea.

However, the blocks never made it upstairs to the hamster’s aquarium.

That’s because you and your brother have been making up games all week using them. Castles have been built. Escape rooms have been constructed. Towers have been set up.

Imagine- that kids would actually get to play with toys intended for kids, as opposed to a hamster!



The Benefits of Dress Up Play For Kids 

Do you remember when you were a kid how much you wished that you were someone else for a while? When your kids play, they dress up on so many occasions and attempts to be someone else that he really admires from the mighty king of a castle to a famous superhero. However, when you little kids dress up, you should ensure that they build both their vocabulary and their confidence. And this can easily be done, so read on as we dive further into it.

Why Dress-Up Play Is Smart

If you didn’t already know, you’re literally going to find a dedicated box of supplies for playing dress-up within any preschool classroom. And this is simply due to the fact that teachers know just how much imagination kids put into play. However, they are also facilitating a series of various emotional and academic muscles that aid with fundamental development.

If you’ve ever seen your daughter in her idea of scrubs examining her dolls and stuffed animals with a stethoscope, you can be sure that her mind is going a mile a minute as she performs the activities that were done on her at some point more than a dozen times. And it’s the same when his mind races as he imagines himself driving down a speedway, because just like her, he is also learning how to sit in a car, buckle up his seat belt and to also put the key into the ignition. We can even guarantee that your kid isn’t doing all of this in a silent manner when he’s playing dress-up.

Even when they pretend to be in fancy restaurants, they’re engaging in conversations about food, drinks and even cooking for those who are pretending to be the chef. And they even go on to order at their favourite table three. Even if she’s walking on the moon exploring and hunting for her favourite Martians, you can be she has a colander or rather her own space helmet on her little head; she’s even going to be searching for the perfect spot to land her rocket ship as well as the colours of the aliens and the desired rock that it hides behind. You’ll be happy to know that even when playtime is a lot quieter, their imagination is at work.

Role-playing with other kids go a long way since it encourages them to cooperate, socialize and even take turns. And when they get the chance to let their imaginations run free, they go on to become some of the best problem solvers at adulthood. And if you’ve asked why, well the simple answer is, their creative thinking grows with practice as they rescue dolls from bad guys and let themselves be the ultimate superhero.

How to Encourage Dress-Up Play

If you’re seeking to encourage more dress-up play, be sure to gather much more supplies and keep them all in a location that is easy to access check out these LED toys perfect for dressing up. And then you’re going to need to talk and enquire about what he or she would like to become when they are older. You can even ask about what they’d do if they were Dora the Explorer and ensure that you facilitate the environment for this fantasy to be acted upon. You can even dress up and play; however, preschool-age children wouldn’t ever need too much encouragement since that’s the perfect age at which creativeness kicks in.

Gather Your Garb

If you’re looking for the perfect costume, a store-bought is actually just perfect. And they’ll come in a series of their favorite characters such as Yo Gabba Gabba’s Plex along with the entire line of Disney Princess outfits. In no time your children will be acting, singing and even reading their favorite books.

However, your initial home is actually filled with so many items that do just the same. And they can easily be an old dress or pair of shoes. So, be sure to check your closet or even the thrift shop for the following items:



*Towels for making capes 

*Glasses with the lenses removed 


*Costume jewellry 



*Perfume bottles that are empty 

*Plastic colanders 

*Old bags or even small luggage’s 



*Dance costumes 

In essence, the list is really never ending and it changes according to what you or your child prefers. So, go out and gather supplies and don’t forget to stash them together in an old trunk. And you can even keep it in their play room!