Dear Jack: You are Our Family’s Pumpkin Carver

11 years, 11 months.

Dear Jack,

It is well established by now that you are the official family member who always carves the pumpkin for our front porch.

This year, you added a special touch: A pink Laffy Taffy that looked like the pumpkin’s tongue.

Not only do you do an awesome job, because you are so creative, but selfishly, I appreciate you always elect yourself as our family’s pumpkin carver because ultimately… I have zero interest in bothering with it.

If it were up to me, there would be no Jack-O’-Lantern.

It would never even cross my mind.

But we have you around, so it always gets done!




Dear Holly: You are the Perfect Picture of What Autumn is to Me

6 years, 6 months.

Dear Holly,

This past weekend our family visited Gentry Farm, as is our tradition. One of my favorite pictures I took while we were there is of you holding a pumpkin.

Once we got back to the house, I asked you what your favorite part of our visit was, and you said it was when you got to pick out a pumpkin.

You are the perfect picture of what autumn is me:

Getting to enjoy the beautiful colors outside with our family, after the mosquitos have all disappeared and before the bitter winter wind starts blowing.

You and I agree that Fall is the best season!



Dear Jack: Carving a Jack-O-Lantern with Papa

10 years, 10 months.

While Nonna was inside the house, painting baby pumpkins with Nonna in the kitchen, you were outside in the front yard with Papa carving up our family’s official Jack-O-Lantern for this Halloween season.

Thanks to some cheap props from the dollar store, you two were able to make a really cool, and scary, Jack-O-Lantern for us to display out on our front porch.

And that carved pumpkin alone serves as the extent of our family’s Halloween decorations, despite being surrounded by neighbors, and neighborhoods, of just about every other house decked out in huge inflatables and plastic skeletons in their front yards!

Dear Jack,



Dear Holly: Finger Painting Baby Pumpkins with Nonna

5 years, 5 months.

Dear Holly,

When Mommy visited Grandma in California last week, I invited Nonna and Papa to come up from Alabama for a few days.

I took off Saturday morning to go to the gym and then meet a friend for coffee. Meanwhile, you and Nonna decided to have some good old-fashioned fun, by turning our kitchen table (which usually serves as my “office” for work) into an arts-and-crafts station.

The week before, our family had visited a nearby pumpkin farm and you chose two little pumpkins as your souvenirs.

You decided that you wanted to paint them with Nonna… with your fingers!

So you did- and you sure had fun!



Dear Jack: Showing Your Sister How to Play at a Pumpkin Patch

10 years, 10 months.

Dear Jack,

It is our tradition as a family to visit one of the nearby pumpkin patches each Fall season. This year, with your sister being a 5 year-old girl, not a preschooler, it was clear she was interested in participating in more adventure than in previous years there.

You were sure to show her the way- and she was just as eager to follow you.

Whether it was going into the spooky house, jumping off the mountain of hay, and going down the huge tunnel slide together.

I loved being able to watch the two of you have fun together.

