People Finally Stopped Asking If We’re Going to Have Another Kid

People Finally Stopped Asking If We’re Going to Have Another Kid

The first question was, “When you are two going to get married?

Then, “When are you going to have a baby?”

After that, “When are you going to have another one?”

From the time our son was about 1 year-old, until he was about 3 and a half, that last question was in heavy rotation.

So then, being the family friendly daddy blogger that I am, I began addressing the fact that my wife and I could easily be the couple that only has one child.

The reality of the two of us working full time in a major city got in the way of the concept of us having many as 4 kids; something we had at one point talked about, years ago.

So I began explaining here on my blog that the two of us could truly be happy with just one child; even if that wasn’t normal.

However, my wife and I mutually realized recently, “It’s been a long time since anyone has asked us if we’re going to have another kid.”

Our son will turn 5 years-old next month. By this point, people have stopped even wondering if we will “have another one.”

(That’s a funny phrase to me; “have another one.” I think of those Russian nesting dolls, called Matryoshka dolls.)

Of course, I never said we wouldn’t have another child. I simply made it clear we would be happy and content with just one; if that’s how things ended up.

I guess to a lot of people that comes across as, “We’re not having any more kids.”

On the contrary, I’ve mentioned a couple of times already this year here on Family Friendly Daddy Blog that we’ve never been more open to the idea of expanding our family, as I prefer to say it; than we are now that we are financially settled and moved into our new house.

But still, people gave up and stop bothering to ask. After all, having over 5 years in between kids is a lot of time.

It all comes down to us, the parents, being ready on all fronts; plus, being physically able to conceive a child.

Most families can have kids 2 or 3 years apart, and that works for them, culturally: Having 2 in diapers at the same time.

Culturally, for our family, especially at this point, having a Kindergartner and an infant sounds more our speed… if that’s how things ended up.

5 thoughts on “People Finally Stopped Asking If We’re Going to Have Another Kid

  1. Hi,
    I have been a friend of Jill’s through our family and recently we reconnected and saw each other when she and Jen came to California to visit. Had not seen her in awhile since she lived here. Anyway off that topic…lol

    I just wanted to say when she was here she told me about this blog you guys have and I have been keeping up on it. But I really wanted to say I am always with my best friend of 15 years and her and her husband will have a 5 year old in April. But, a moms group was formed with with some friends of ours her son is my godson. So I am “Auntie” to him! So when whenever we go the moms group since her husband is working during the day like the other dads, I go. Even though I am not married nor do I have children yet so I am considered the auntie of the moms group…lol. She was always asked when are you going to have another and it was an ongoing question with them. Or I was asked when are you going to find someone and have children. One has 4 children and the other has 3. So she kinda felt hurt afterwards but just shook it off. I always thought it was rude of them because they don’t know if something was wrong, but it was just my friends choice. Come to find out this past May she told me she was pregnant and that she is due in January! I was very excited for her. But, like you said she was happy whether she just had her one little guy but she has now been blessed with another. ( I guess the others won’t be asking anymore…lol)

    Anyway, sorry to write so much it just reminded me of of them.


  2. There’s nothing wrong with that age gap! I think we’ll be waiting that same time span for baby #3. It may not be the common choice, but there are a lot of deciding factors. In the end, you have to do what you think is best for your family.


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