Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Song

5 years, 5 months.

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

Dear Jack,

A lot of people had been telling me they would be curious to learn your reaction to seeing your sister for the first time. Fortunately, I have it forever etched my memory- plus, I have pictures!

The look on your face was perfect; so completely and genuinely amazed.

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

You instantly asked to hold her. As you heard her let out a little cry, you responded with a laugh: “She sounds like a kitty cat!”

As Holly was passed around the room, you continued laughing- you seemed to be grasping the concept that, all along, Mommy and I weren’t kidding- that you truly were getting a real little sister.

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

You also got to open Holly’s gift to you: an awesome dinosaur book, a Berenstain Bear book, about a dozen plastic dinosaur toys, a new Big Brother 2016 shirt, and an Ankylosaurus stuffed animal.

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

Tuesday night made the first time that we were all back at the house and back into normal bedtime routine. Our tradition is that I always grab one of your many stuffed animals on the bed and make it sing you a song.

But this time, I happened to be holding Holly in my arms. As I began singing in a stuffed animal’s voice, you stopped me immediately:

“No, Daddy… I’m singing to Holly instead.”

And right away, you began singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. It made the first time I’ve ever heard you sincerely sing a song without trying to be funny.

It was one of the most sincere things I’ve ever seen you do.

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

I was never really that concerned that you would be jealous or intimidated by your new sister; instead, my main fear was that you would feel pressured to “play the part of big brother” based on everyone’s preconceived ideas you had overhead.

Fortunately, you have no interest in playing this thing up. Instead, you truly adore your baby sister; whether the cameras are on you or not.



Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

Dear Jack: Your 1st Reaction to Meeting Your New Sister/Singing Her a Goodnight Son

Dear Jack: Your 1st Signs of Anxiety about Becoming a Big Brother

5 years, 2 months.

Dear Jack: Your 1st Signs of Anxiety about Becoming a Big Brother

Dear Jack,

A popular question people having been recently asking me is this:

“How is Jack handling the news about there being another baby on the way?”

I was always able to quickly and easily respond by telling them you are excited, and that with a 5 and a year difference, I predict there will be no real concern on your end about a sense of competition.

That changed this week.

Normally you are the happiest kid I know. But on Tuesday night, you were much different at the dinner table.

We had to take you up to bed early because you weren’t really eating and you were crying about (seemingly) nothing and everything all at once.

So we just assumed you didn’t take a nap at school and needed to get to bed sooner.

While that was true, there was more to it.

In your emotionally vulnerable state, you eventually told Mommy that night during bath time:

“I’m sad that you are excited about the baby.”

Just an hour or so before, Mommy and I had been doting over the cute, girly outfits that we had received in the mail for Holly.

You went on to tell Mommy: “I wish things could stay the same.”

When she replied you two would get to be together for the summer while she is on maternity leave, you said “Just me and you?”

I knew you are smart kid, but I was unaware at 5 years old that you are able to clearly express your anxieties and fears to us, in such a sober and direct way.

That’s emotional intelligence.

It’s not my attention and affection that you fear missing. It’s Mommy’s.

She and I talked about it more. It’s heartbreaking to see you this way, worrying that you’ll lose your relationship status with Mommy.

In some ways, there is reality in your fears of things changing when your sister gets here.

But at the same time, you have two parents who are proactively dedicated to making sure we help you with this transition.

